
4 Great Tips to Relocate Your Office

Relocating to a new office can be a very exciting move for every business, and it doesn’t have to be stressful. A certain survey shows that moving an office is one of the most stressful tasks after hiring new workers.

Consequently, many businesses need to move and opt to stay in expensive and cramped facilities. But it doesn’t have to be so. With the help of the following pro tips, you can easily relocate to another office stress-free:

1.      Consider Making a Decommissioning Plan

Well, decommissioning is more than just cleaning the office. It can also be more of restoring the old office to its original condition before moving in.

This may include removing electrical/cable installation, logos, signs, furniture, and fixtures. It may also involve repairing damaged properties and minor things, such as replacing all the burned-out bulbs.

Your lease must specify all these details. And if you want to avoid legal problems or lose the security deposit, you must adhere to the leasing conditions. Ensure you also create a decommissioning plan beforehand and discuss it with a moving team.

2.      Look for a Storage Unit

Among the least favorite things for most businesses is relocating. You will need to get your documents, furniture, and everything in the office to a new place. This is a hassle.

But what many companies don’t consider yet they should is to rent the best storage units. The right unit will easily make the entire process easier to navigate. Plus, it is convenient, secure, safe, and can save you time.

3.      Plan Things Ahead

When planning the move to a new office, improvisation shouldn’t be an option. Should you want to have everything done within your budget and on time, ensure you assign responsibilities and plan early.

Waiting until the last minute means you will get yourself disoriented and panicking. It is not fun to spend the whole night wondering how to pack your large equipment or packing staplers into the box.

You will also want to have a great strategy where your things should go when you get to the new office. For instance, consider using a blueprint to determine the shared space or workplace layout. Ideally, you will require a couple of months or weeks to plan your relocation.

4.      Tour the New Location

Among the important tips to consider when relocating your office is to ensure you tour the new location before you start moving your things.

This way, you will have a rough idea of the space layout. Not to mention, you can better organize all the pieces of furniture in the office.

Plus, if you have a solid and well-laid-out plan, it will become easier to relocate your things and put them where they should be instead of just organizing them once you unload everything.

In a Nutshell!

Office relocation is not easy and is hardly cheap. However, when they done right, they can be a good investment. The energy and time spent relocating to a good office will pay off in more energy, retention, better recruiting, and better productivity.

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