How can you ensure the soil at the building site is stable? What are some of the benefits of soil stabilization using eco-soil stabilizers? What materials can be used to stabilize soil?
Soil stabilization.
During extremely wet or dry conditions, clay soil can contract or expand. This is a major challenge in engineering projects and the main reason for a damaged foundation. The soil under your structure determines how long the building can stand. Before laying the foundation, the soil should be thoroughly inspected to ensure it’s not weak or unstable. Soil stabilization is the chemical and physical treatment of soil to improve engineering properties or increase the stability of the soil. The soil stabilizers used should be environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and harmless to plants.
How it works.
An electrochemical reaction is created in the soil, removing ions that cause the clay to swell and the attached water is freed. The solution flows through the soil as it breaks it due to the pressure of the solution, allowing it to fully penetrate. This is a permanent process that alters clay soil by neutralizing its ability to bind to water and attract. The eco soil stabilizers treatment lowers the pH of clay soil. At a lower pH, clay no longer acts as a water magnet and thus releases excess water. The excess water is separated from the soil through drainage, soil compaction, or evaporation. The load-bearing strength of the soil is increased when existing fissures collapse.
Soil stabilization materials.
- Lime.
Slaked lime is effective in the stabilization of road bases and subgrades. It can be used alone or combined with cement or bitumen. This helps to strengthen the soil making it more stable. It removes water from the soil making it more compact.
- Bitumen.
Tar and asphalt are examples of bituminous materials. When added to the soil, it reduces water absorption and imparts cohesion. This type of stabilization is classified into:
- Soil bitumen stabilization.
- Sand bitumen stabilization.
- Oiled earth.
- Water-proof mechanical stabilization.
- Cement.
Soil cement is when you mix soil with cement. This material is very flexible with a variety of soil types. Sodium carbonate, lime, calcium chloride, fly ash, and sodium sulfate are added to the cement to improve stability.
- Chemical compounds.
Sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium silicate can be added to the soil to improve stability. They increase the water retention property of the soil, improving the cohesion of soil particles.
Benefits of soil stabilization.
- Saves money.
It is cost-effective as it saves you the money you would have used for landfill tax, vehicle movement, or buying aggregates.
- Saves environmental impact.
The dig and dump method is costly, causes congestion and increased carbon footprint. The use of stabilizers eliminates the need for all the hustle.
- Waste is reduced.
All-natural methods and the soil on-site are used in soil stabilization processes. After a simple treatment process of the soil, there is no need to import new materials. This eliminates the generation of large quantities of waste since soil on site is used.
- Saves maintenance cost.
Stabilized roads require less maintenance since potholes, mudding and rutting are not a common problem anymore.
- Savings by design.
Soil stabilizers enhance the strength of the soil allowing you to reduce the thickness of the foundation or subsequent layers. Blacktop or concrete can be laid directly on stabilized soil saving you the cost of bituminous materials, granular sub-base, and concrete.
- Winter working.
To effectively dry a wet site, quicklime is used to dry soil instantly allowing you to work in wet conditions especially during winter.
Soil stabilization is the most cost-effective way to prepare construction sites. There are several materials used for stabilization, and choosing an eco-friendly solution is advised. Soil stabilization has many advantages like keeping your structure strong and durable. This article explains the process of soil stabilization keeping you informed about soil when constructing.